I wasn’t even sure if her moans were from pain or chinese pleasure at this point, and I didn’t much care. CHIna Dad is fucking like a homemade man possessed, he applied for 5 days leave and I have bunked college, we are doing nothing but fucking, eating and sleeping. Lindsey was leaning up against my desk. I said to Cindy, “you shouldn’t really be dancing around with cum dripping out of your pussy, what would amateur your daughter think.” I then kissed Cindy.
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Gallery URL: https://xxxtubelikes.com/adult-xfilm?d=L2NsaXBzLzcxMDY1Nzkv
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Or open on free tube: http://www.xvideos.com/video11009802/_2
Video Type: video/mp4
Duration: 06:33
Tags of the video: amateur, chinese, homemade, china